Find the Answers

Miss Ohlala has some questions to help you navigate 2024.

With a brand New Year ahead of us, we decided to end the first issue of 2024 with some reflections and inquiries that might help you guide your life, find some purpose or even change certain aspects. It’s a time to adjust the focus and set goals.

What brings you joy and how will you do more of that?

What is the one thing from 2023 that you want to keep? And what is the one thing you want to leave behind?

Which food have you tried for the first time and fallen in love with? When are you having it again?

If you could head to the airport right now, where would you travel to? What are you doing to make it eventually happen?

Who are the people in your life that you would like to spend more time with?

Is there anything about yourself that you would like to change this year?

What health measures would you like to incorporate into your daily life?

What will you do outside of your comfort zone to promote growth?

In material terms, which present would you gift yourself?

What are the three words you want 2024 to represent?

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