Wind of CHANGE

New Year’s resolutions, here we go! Regardless of what you commit to, the idea is to make your life in the coming year a better one.

It’s time to say goodbye to 2021, a year that started full of hope and that we can say is ending on a better note than when it began. With Covid-19 vaccines out there, our fight against the latest pandemic is showing signs that we might be on the winning team.

We still have a long way to go, but when we look back, we can say that we are on the right track. Every new year is packed with lots of hope and resolutions; it’s that period when we put our lives into perspective and decide that we need to make changes.

According to the Discover Happy Habits website, the most popular resolutions for 2020 were to exercise more (50%), save money (49%) and eat healthier (43%). They later found that 35% kept all their resolutions, 49% continued with some of their promises, and only 16% failed at keeping any of them.

After the scary year we had in 2020, people were more determined to modify or leave behind bad habits, mainly when it came to their health. Statistics specialist Statista showed that America’s top resolutions for 2021 were to exercise more (44%) and eat healthier (42%).

Some of the other common resolutions are quitting smoking, spending more time with family and friends and living to the fullest. Whatever change you wish to make, now is the best moment. What about putting a list together of the things you’ve done this year that you are very proud of and also something that you can improve?

Try to make it a positive one, with lots of minor or significant achievements – they are all relevant. And regarding the changes, make them about things you can see yourself doing, such as donating blood or starting recycling. Just don’t forget to be nice to yourself when it comes to expectations.

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