Virtual Reality


Digital technology has been more significant and present in our lives than ever in recent years. We can use the virtual world to shop, date, study, play online sports with virtual friends, and the list goes on almost infinitely.

We can explore the world from the comfort of our sofas. According to research commissioned by Vision Direct, the average U.S. adult will spend the equivalent of 44 years of their life staring at screens (TVs, smartphones, computers, tablets). The study also shows that it takes less than 10 minutes for the average adult to look at a screen after waking up each day – with six in 10 taking a glance within five minutes.

New experiences are one click away, but when do we know we’ve had enough screen time as adults? Health experts from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute in the U.S. say that we should limit screen time to less than two hours per day outside work.

Too much screen time can cause eye strain, headaches, insomnia, poor sleep, addictive behaviours, neck and back pain and changes in cognition. Forget binge-watching TV shows and having Facebook/ Instagram breaks during your work hours.

Here is a list of ideas to start your digital detox:
– Turn off all notifications from apps, except from people.
– Limit what is on your home screen.
– Take social media off your phone.
– Charge your phone outside your bedroom.
– Set a timer to turn off the screen and move your body.
– Find a hobby that does not involve a screen.
– Create a solid routine and stick to it.
There are as many colours and exciting things to do in the real world; you just have to take the first step towards discovering what is outside your door.

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